Chef Andrew Rea of Binging With Babish has recreated a Red Dead Redemption 2 delicacy: bear stew. Check out the video as he assembles a meal worthy of Mister Pearson himself.
Chef Andrew Rea of Binging With Babish has recreated a Red Dead Redemption 2 delicacy: bear stew. Check out the video as he assembles a meal worthy of Mister Pearson himself.
Today on Highlight Reel we have teleporting NFL players, cowboy weirdness, and much more!
Much of my Red Dead Redemption 2 play-through has been spent on gunfights and long-distance rides on a faithful…
The video games media reports on leaked information all the time. So why, when British website Trusted Reviews…
While playing Red Dead Redemption 2, a handful of Westerns keep coming to mind. Many of those films are most likely…
Today on Highlight Reel we got weird horses, death defying escapes, Red Dead Redemption 2 glitches and much more!
The British website TrustedReviews today pulled an article, apologized to publisher Take-Two Games, and said it was…
As Nathan said earlier this year, all video games should let us pet the animals. That includes cats, Red Dead…
The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with dangerous creatures. You can find alligators, cougars, wolves and…
Today on Highlight Reel we got a wagonful of Red Dead Redemption 2 clips, including pretzel cowboys, quantum lassos,…
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption 2 are both big open-world games, and they both came out in October…
It doesn’t take long with Red Dead Redemption 2 before you run into a Kirk Hamilton-sized conundrum: do you play…
Red Dead Redemption 2’s excessively detailed world tries to suggest reality. Fall and you get covered in mud; while…
I tried to grow the longest beard possible in Red Dead Redemption 2. To do so, I locked Arthur Morgan in a hotel…
Today on Kotaku Splitscreen we’re talking about crunch, a complicated issue that affects us all in a lot of ways.…
In Red Dead Redemption 2, players can choose to be friendly or not-so-friendly with strangers. I decided to take…
I’m about to go away for a week, vacationing far from my PS4. I’ve been trying to use the last few days to get the…
I’m playing more Red Dead Redemption 2 live on Twitch with my good friend Kahlief Adams from Spawn On Me. Come join us in the chat!
Did you get Red Dead Redemption 2? Did you go to a store and buy a physical copy or, uh, get the digital one? My…
Back in the year 2000, Angel Studios in San Diego began development on a video game Western. They were making it for…