id Software's Rage is about to get the cover treatment from Game Informer magazine. But if you aren't a subscriber,…
id Software hasn't shown much of its id Tech 5 powered Rage, the post-apocalyptic first-person shooter-slash-racer…
Doom Resurrection and Wolfenstein 3D Classic are only the beginning for id Software on the iPhone, with everything…
id Software's annual gathering of Quake, Doom and Wolfenstein fans will happen August 13th to August 16th. And it…
Doom, Fallout, Oblivion, Wolfenstein, Carmack, Howard... all in one company.
Talking to tall fir trees is just one of the many exciting activities planned for the iPhone version of The Sims 3.
id Software has a lot on its plate. The developer has its fingers in Wolfenstein, Quake Live, Doom 4 and Rage, maybe…
Cell phone, Wii and iPhone development aren't normally the sorts of things that gamers associate with id Software,…
The Rage Wireless Guitar Controller for the Wii is being recalled after a fault left one gamer injured. Performance…
You know how id's John Carmack said that his company's upcoming shooter Rage just wasn't going to work in terms of…
id say that user mods of their new driving/shooting things game Rage might not be possible due to the complex way…
Little bit of confusion yesterday over reports that id's upcoming shooter Rage had seen parts of the game cut -…
id have big, big plans for Rage! Or, they did have big, big plans. Plans they've had to cut back on so the game can…
"E3 this year, in my opinion, it was pretty much disappointing to everybody" id CEO Todd Hollenshead told me early…
Last night John Carmack took to the stage at QuakeCon and inadvertently ignited a fanboy flamewar. id's upcoming…
The only way to get your hands on id Software's Rage and Doom 4 will be through traditional means, according to a…
Well that was eventful, wasn't it? While my internet connection wasn't exactly there, I was side by side with…