I'm glad Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron's space-to-ground transitions made it into the multiplayer –- there…
A story Friday discussed the development costs of an indie game for the PSP versus the iPhone. While getting an ESRB…
In an interview for Sunday's edition of The Washington Post (posted today), the Nintendo of America president Reggie…
Those who analogize the PSPgo, with its library of Minis titles, to the iPhone should remember that developing for…
Home Director Jack Buser delivered a state-of-the-software address while walking me through the new Home spaces…
Jak and Daxter make their triumphant return after a three-year hiatus next month, as Sony announces a November relea…
This morning, I got a PSPgo from Sony for reviews and whatnot. I had a chance to check out Crecente's PSPgo at TGS.…
Sony's just released the new PSP, the PSPgo. Know what that means, time for a lower-priced Chinese copy. Thanks,…
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars arrives in less than two weeks for the PSP. The PSPgo guest stars in Rockstar's…
Don McCabe of the U.K. retailer Chips is on the record with his disaffection for the PSPgo. But he's ramped up his…
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge is the third iteration in the Playstation's over-the-top Burning Man-meets-World Rally…
The PSPgo launch was not without controversy, but it seems to have reinvigorated the Playstation Portable market.
As seen at a Wal-Mart in Puerto Rico [Thanks reader Marco L.!]
Sony's digital download-only PSPgo is, at its launch price, a hard sell for some portable gamers spoiled by the less…
As of last week the Playstation Store is the only place PSPgo owners can go to pick up their games. Just how do the…
Video games stored on a disc of plastic and tucked away in a case are approaching extinction.
Screwing around with the sorting feature on the PSPgo, someone's found there's only one way to arrange games and…
Weird. One of these pieces of news that would seem to be out by now, but PlayStation.Blog posted yesterday that Nov.…
People made a big deal about the PSPgo's lack of a replaceable battery, a design component intended to thwart…
The PSPgo and Playstation Portable were everywhere at Sony's Tokyo Game Show booth. And tucked away in one section…