3D printers are not machines. They are portals to a realm of dark magic, where you can conjure anything you want,…
They're from ThreeA, so your loved ones will need the time to save up, but look at them. They'll be worth it.
Actually r4di0fly3r's motion-tracking turret probably won't keep intruders out. But it will startle them. And it…
Let's say you're a Valve super-fan. I know I'm reaching somebody out there with that label. And you want to buy…
As promised, LEGO movie-maker extraordinaire Kooberz has finished the first part of his epic re-telling of Portal 2…
I like to say that the couple that games together, stays together. I'm not alone in that sentiment, either. I'm sure…
Well, file this USB Portal turret under "Things you can get me for Christmas that I'll only use once but will…
Now that the world has moved on from making giant sharks float around by the magic of fancy air, we can move onto…
The fancy "In Motion" DLC for the PlayStation 3 version of Portal 2 is available today.
Designed For Danger is a Portal 2 mini-campaign created by Patrick Murphy, which adds eight new levels and around…
Cortana bickering with Wheatley: think about it. The two are strong personalities in their own rights, but put…
Mark Oshiro does things. He has, in a sense, made a professional life out of being a fan. For several years, on his…
Realm Lovejoy is an artist currently working at Half-Life and Team Fortress developers Valve Software. Having helped…
Wow. I have never been terrified of GLaDOS, but that human-looking version of her is quite creepy. I think it's…
Valve artist Realm Lovejoy tweeted this video earlier in the week, saying "Look at what I helped unbox today at…
Among the many highlights from the Erik Wolpaw/Tim Schafer panel at PAX this past weekend was a brief exchange where…
At PAX Prime in Seattle, Double Fine's Tim Schafer and Valve's Erik Wolpaw gave a panel called "Plot vs. Play" in…
Portal 2's Wheatley doesn't really have a body. He's the robotic equivalent of a floating head in a jar. Which makes…
Anyone who's played a Portal game knows that Aperture Science's charmingly neurotic turrets are full of bullets.…