Portal 2 is getting rave reviews from critics (including from us), but it is getting torn to bits by angry gamers…

While frantically escaping through this factory inside the Aperture Science testing facility, I stopped to enjoy…

You probably won't read much of this review.

This won't spoil the actual game in any way, so don't worry, but there's a unique little bonus included with…
Over the past few weeks, Portal developer Valve and its more devoted fans have been engaged in an alternate reality…
The potatoes on the GLaDOS@Home web page are counting down, and a cryptic email from GLaDOS herself arrives. What…
Team Fortress 2's recent "hatless" update may not have had any hats, but this week there is a new, single accessory:…
Seems the whole world has gone Portal mad this week. Artist Miles Donovan certainly has, coming up with these great…
With two titles "completed" in Valve's play-for-an-early-release stunt with Portal 2, GLaDOS says we've only shaved…
Now we know: Portal 2 will launch early—if enough people get together and play all the indie games in the "Potato…
The interactive marketing campaign surrounding sure-to-be-megahit Portal 2 has been dropping hints that the game,…
The Valve-owned domain aperturescience.com tossed up a countdown whose timer expires at noon EDT/9 a.m. PDT…
Developer Valve calls the PlayStation 3 version of Portal 2 "the best console version of the game," for various…

Could Valve actually release Portal 2 ahead of schedule, forcing us to rethink the properties of the universal…

The fourth and final Aperture Laboratories investment opportunity video is here, harping on the benefits of not…
The second part of Portal 2's digital comic, Lab Rat, is now live at IGN. The comic, which fills in some gaps…
Portal star Chell is keeping things simple for the game's sequel. Same orange jumpsuit, it's just...rolled up. This…
As forewarned, Valve has released the first portion of its Portal digital comic at IGN. In it, we meet Rat Man, rank…
From an interview with Valve Software's Chet Faliszek from Beefjack.com:
What happened in the years been Portal and Portal 2? Valve's new digital comic book, launching tomorrow April 8,…