Portal 2 may only be a week old, but if you've already finished it - and these days I feel like the only person on…
Catsy, the same LEGO fanatic who recreated Mass Effect's Citadel so beautifully last year, is back giving similar…
The famous turrets from Portal 2 howl at the moon, having gone feral under the leadership of the mighty Animal King.…
This hand-crafted Portal turret may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts.
The makers of such acclaimed single-player video games as Portal and Half-Life 2 want all of their future games to…
Portal 2 and Mad Men. They don't seem like the likeliest of bedfellows, but this reimagining of the hit TV show's…
Amidst the swell of hype over Nintendo's next console and the release of Valve's latest masterpiece, Sega and High…
In today's absolutely flawless, perfectly scupted edition of Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Kadin wonders if gamers…
If you're unsure what else your $2 is getting you with the "The Final Hours Of Portal 2" application for the iPad,…
The elaborate alternate reality game that served as a viral marketing device for Portal 2's release was not entirely…
For five months in 2008, Valve Software was making a version of Portal 2 that wasn't going to include Portals. And…
In a darkened room filled with boxes, we sit side-by-side and play. We talk. We laugh. We think.
You know what this Dean's List Dropouts version of Portal 2's Want You Gone wrap-up song is missing? Johnny Rotten…
A Reddit user by the name of vism did, so they emailed Valve boss Gabe Newell. And actually got a response, if not…
You've heard of Portal 2, but are you ready to play Portal 2? Do you need help determining which part of the game to…
Have you already finished Portal 2? If not, maybe you shouldn't watch this video, which shows you how to dig up…
With Portal 2 knocking Team Fortress 2 from the limelight this week, many people are probably wondering what the…
Haven't finished Portal 2 yet? Go on and listen to the game's ending tune. Do it.
Ever hear someone say "The cake is a lie?" Ever read that in the video game Portal, think it was clever the first 20…
Portal 2 is getting rave reviews from critics (including from us), but it is getting torn to bits by angry gamers…