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Kerbal Space Program is getting a sequel. Announced during today’s Gamescom opening presentation, Kerbal Space Program 2 will be coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One next year.

Sony will be releasing the DualShock 4 in four brand-new colors this September: Rose Gold, Titanium Blue, Electric Purple, and Red Camouflage. Rose Gold fans get to double dip: The Gold wireless headset will also come in that color.

Buildings Have Feelings Too is a city management game about buildings that can walk and talk to each other. They have hopes and aspirations, but also, they’re buildings, and the forces of change and expansion are rarely kind to buildings. Beginning in the Victorian era and progressing into the modern day, you’ve got

Sony is raising the PlayStation Plus fee in Japan starting August 1. The current monthly subscription will increase from 514 yen ($4.72) to 850 yen ($7.81), while the 3-month one will go from 1,337 yen ($12.28) to 2,150 yen ($19.75).
