Assassin’s Creed designer Patrice Desilets has settled his legal dispute with Ubisoft, he announced today. Ubisoft has given Desilets back the rights to the game that they cancelled, Project 1666. Full statement in the comments.

Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Désilets just announced his first game since leaving Ubisoft, and although details are scant, it’s got the clunky title Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey. Eurogamer was in attendance for the reveal in Dubrovnik, and you can watch the teaser there (but don’t expect much—it’s just a Read more

“But, deep down, nobody cares about not having CDs any more. The future is digital, and there's nothing you can do about it.” Patrice Desilets—the man behind the Assassin’s Creed franchise—talks about how moving away from physical games might be the way that AAA games make money again in this GamesIndustry Read more
