The first morning of E3, I sat down to talk with Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive. Paradox has, in the…
Back at PAX East, Stephen Totilo spent some time with War of the Roses by Fatshark, a studio that unapologetically…
Given the fact most big games are made by Westerners for Westerners, we don't often get the chance to assume the…
"The very first death threat I got was when we decided not to support dedicated servers in Modern Warfare 2," Robert…
In the video game War of the Roses you're a medieval mauler. You're a person with sword, mace, or bow-and-arrow.…
Keep your space operas and fighting things things, my favourite game of 2012 so far has been the wonderfully deep…
Alright, it may be a Sunday, but it's still April Fools' Day, a very special day in video gaming, and many of its…
I was playing as the King of England. I ruled for over thirty years, sometimes a tyrant, other times a hero. When I…
Goodbye, Vietnam. Paradox Interactive's acclaimed and comical multiplayer wizard computer game will be getting an…
Paradox Interactive not only makes games for nerds, it also codenames them after Kevin Costner films.
The all wizard, all the time PC game Magicka got its promised dose of all-new player-versus-player combat this…
Up until now, Magicka has been a pretty friendly game, but that's all about to change. On June 21, everybody dies…
Paradox Interactive CEO Fredrik Wester, not being a bit shy on Twitter.
I've been meaning to take a stab at free-form medieval RPG series Mount & Blade for years. YEARS. So it thrills me…
Fredrik Wester can actually name a computer game that was too hardcore, too out there, for his company to publish.…
It's April 12, and Arrowhead Games is ready to drop players of their action role-playing game Magicka into the…
Paradox Interactive and Arrowhead Game Studios have put an April 14 date on the downloadable content no one saw…
Bewildered gamers were not the only people who thought that setting the first expansion to the satirical sorcery…
Yes, the first expansion pack to Arrowhead Studios' runaway PC role-playing hit Magicka is titled Magicka:…
You're old. Your wife's plotting your downfall. Your son's a dribbling imbecile. Your father-in-law hates your guts.…