In the video game War of the Roses you're a medieval mauler. You're a person with sword, mace, or bow-and-arrow. You might be on a horse. You might have a lance.
You're one of many warriors in a multiplayer game that will play like Battlefield or even a Modern Warfare, but with much older, sharper weapons.
War of the Roses is from Fat Shark, a Swedish studio located in the same country as the makers of Battlefield. One of its top developers—the man telling us all about War of the Roses in the video I shot at PAX East and am showing you here—was a producer on some of the Battlefields. The influence is clear and nothing to be ashamed about. War of the Roses sure looks cool and has some hardcore parrying and forging systems to both set it apart and to make it a fitting entry in publisher Paradox Interactive's line of unabashedly more complex games for computers.
Watch our video preview of the game above, and then look for the game on PC and Mac in late summer. Who needs guns and tanks?