Requiring more than 200 pages, 12 hours of work per day for a solid month, and what must have been gallons of…
Hey, chumps, if you're not dropping the hundy on Duke Nukem Forever's "Balls of Steel" special edition, you can…
Everything is now digital. This sentence, for example, doesn't exist in tangible space. But there was a time when…
Super Meat Boy and Dr. Fetus papercraft by the folks at Click to enlarge, print, cut, fold. It's…
Just in time for Halloween, Gearbox Software's Jeffrey "botman" Broome created this rather attractive papercraft…
Behold The Witcher 2: Papercraft of Kings, the world's first-ever non-linear papercraft and a paper cut above the…
Borderlands' lovable, annoying Claptrap, done in papercraft by Leo Firebrand, who also made the famous papercraft…
There are situations in life that call for a clone. But unless you're a mad scientist with a secret lab in your…
At four-feet tall, this Freedom Gundam is the most impressive papercraft I've ever seen. That's right, this thing…
Look closely, there's not a scrap of metal in this papercraft construction of Fallout 3's laser pistol. Artist Leo…
Illustrator Josh McKible created a bit of a papercraft phenomenon when he decided to turn his "Nani" paintings into…
Here we were, getting a little over the practice of folding pieces of paper into figures resembling video game…
French graphic design duo Zim and Zou have created a paper craft Game Boy that looks so real you could almost play a…
Nintendo is making a big deal of upcoming Nintendo DS game WarioWare D.I.Y. at this year's Game Developers…
Who cares that only Hercules bow and arrow made it into the Trojan War, this is still a great bit of promotion…
Big head mode, an undisputed classic video game Easter Egg, as it turns out, also makes for a damn good Halloween…
Are there plans and printouts for this life-size Link? You bet there are. There are also plans on the Internet for…
Sure, they don't work, but these cardboard consoles definitely start more conversations. Best part, you don't even…
Like every other shooter on the market, Killzone 2 features things that are hidden. Where Killzone 2 differs from…
Left 4 Dead is scary. Paper? Not so scary. But paper folded to appear as though the paper takes the form of Left 4…