If more butchers molded their meat into Pac-Man shapes before packaging it would save me a whole lot of time. As…
Because you demanded it, Namco is finally bringing the 1980 arcade sensation Pac-Man to unscripted television. Think…
Pac-Man and The Simpsons make for a great combination in Aled Lewis' new series of mash ups. Check out his Bonnie &…
The annual New Year's Day Rose Parade is supposed to be about football. There are flowers in there somewhere, too.…
Check out the Amazeing Sunset / Pac-Man artwork by Phil Jones! This shirt design will be up for vote at Threadless…
Do we need to be drawn into our games, or can we just play and enjoy? That's the question pondered by commenter RAMe…
Truly terrible arcade-inspired album Pac-Man Fever is coming to Rock Band Network next year, letting Rock Band…
There a well known, long-established patterns for beating Pac-Man's mazes, up until the ninth Key, as Buckner &…
You make one of these charts for animals, or fruits, or cars, and you really have to stretch sometimes. It's crazy…
Can venerable dot eater Pac-Man be modernized a second time? The spectacular light and sound show that was Pac-Man…
While Namco didn't do a stand alone Pac-Man title for Kinect, the Tokyo-based game company does have a special…
The lone game character from the International Video Games Hall of Fame's inaugural class will appear on a float for…
The next Pac-Man, called Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, looks great. It's another trippy, techno remix of a…
Thirty years later, bit-by-bit, the Pac-Man continuity is still unfolding. Seen on Aled Lewis's Flickr; the t-shirt…
How pretty can a Pac-Man game be? Let Pac-Man Championship Edition DX show you, a game that's dripping with sleepy…
During the political campaigns for the recent election, some candidates made promises. Some candidates talked…
Namco Bandai America yesterday let go around 90 staff, in a move that doesn't just cut costs at the U.S. branch of…
Namco's sequel to the brilliant Pac-Man Championship Edition is coming later this year to Xbox Live Arcade and…
Yours for just $49! Seen in a Walmart by reader Kevin S.