According to a report on VentureBeat, Capcom is currently developing a new entry in the Darkstalkers series of…
Late last year, we told you EA had begun work on a new Army of Two game, only this time it was called Army of Four.
Those unscrupulous sorts pirating the recent PC release of Starbreeze's Syndicate have found a little surprise…
Sony has done a great job with its exclusive PlayStation Network titles of promoting the kind of games you wouldn't…
The PlayStation Network undergoes maintenance all the time. Usually, though, it only lasts for 2-4 hours. On…
Indie multiplayer shooter Hawken, which stole my heart, stuffed it in a mech then begged me to come get it back, has…
This is a new live-action trailer for Mass Effect 3. Because an expensive pre-rendered one last week wasn't enough!
Earlier today, I made a little fun of an upcoming modern military shooter. I am now going to gush over a modern…
For the PlayStation 3, when it came to the console's graphics, Sony partnered with Nvidia to produce the RSX…
Valve is ramping up participation in the Counter-Stike: Global Offensive beta, promising a whole round of keys will…
In the wake of a rather high-profile App Store scam involving a Pokémon game (or at least its title screen), the…
Now that Bayonetta developers Platinum Games are working on Metal Gear Rising, Kojima Productions is free to work on…
Team Ico's The Last Guardian, the studio's first game since Shadow of the Colossus, has hit a bit of a rough patch.…
Last August, the shameful attack on Malaysian student Ashraf Haziq—carried out as part of the riots sweeping…
A patent filed in late 2011, but which has only been published this month, reveals that Sony is working on its own…
Despite the fact we warned you, the lure of playing Pokémon Yellow on an iPhone proved too much for many, who sent…
Michael Kuehl, a programmer with Resistance developers Insomniac - and who had also worked at Infinity Ward and…
Earlier today, Atlus teased an announcement for it loyal fans in North America by sending an image of a giant…
This Spring sees the release of Tactical Intervention on the PC, a game noteworthy because its development has…