The most fateful day for NBA Elite 11 was not Monday, Sept. 27, the day it was postponed indefinitely. It's Sept.…
Just one week before it was scheduled to hit shelves, EA Sports on Monday indefinitely delayed NBA Elite 11 for the…
After fooling around some with the demo I can say one of the bright spots of NBA Elite 11 is its commentary and…
Soundtracks in sports titles are typically a compilation of licensed works from recognizable artists. NBA Elite 11…
A demo isn't the finished product. But Andrew Bynum hilariously stuck in the Jordan Wings pose at midcourt is not…
The demo for NBA Elite 11, teased in this video, will be available later tonight over the PlayStation Network, and…
NBA 2K11 will feature 50 achievements, only one of them concerns a feat with a specific player in a standard game.…
This video offers quite the list of details for the NBA Elite 11 demo - except a release date. But when it does…
This year NBA Elite 11 introduces a singleplayer "Become Legendary" career mode. The crux of your advancement…
Gameplay video for NBA Elite has been conspicuously rare up to now. Yesterday, Operation Sports got its hands on…
As tipped last week by a preorder bonus on GameStop's site, the "Become Legendary" mode for NBA Elite 11 is indeed…
A preorder premium for NBA Elite 11 offered by GameStop tips off a new mode in NBA Elite 11, something called…
A video of NBA Elite shown at the NBA draft last week did plenty to rile fans of both sides in sports gaming's last…
EA Sports' rechristened NBA franchise picked Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder for its cover today. He's the…
Looking back, I can't shake the feeling that it's what I didn't see at E3 that will provide, again, the juiciest…
Alone in the gym, I start popping the three pointers, what everybody does in a casual shootaround. After four or…
NBA Live renamed itself NBA Elite, brought in the producer of the widely acclaimed NHL series, and set about…
Sports gamers are ready for far more than some football coming out of this year's E3 expo.
ESPN's booth trio of (from left) Mark Jackson, Jeff Van Gundy and Mike Breen will be the new voice talent for NBA…
EA Sports put out three more screens of the newly renamed NBA Elite 11, and series producer David Littman - you…