But he won't be doing Tom Holland's version of the character
Don’t skip Chloe Frazer’s starring role in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
The toughest part of the PS5 version of Naughty Dog’s PS4 game is a PS1 game
Playing Uncharted 4 on PS5 is a lot like playing Uncharted 4 on PS4
From Elden Ring to Steam Deck, it’s going to be a big year for Valve’s storefront
The actor starring as Nathan Drake first played Uncharted in his trailer on Sony's Homecoming set
Mark Wahlberg's Sully mustache is in desperate need of some TLC
But listen, right, what if that game had a game inside it too...
Ahead of release, Sony appears to have delisted Uncharted 4 and Uncharted: Lost Legacy from the PlayStation Store
From setpieces to small artifacts, here’s how the movie borrows from the PlayStation games
Seems like Spider-Man will be a good Nathan Drake after all
Amid cockroaches and debris was a huge collection of classic games, many unopened
Today's PS5 showcase stood above other summer events
The PC and PlayStation 5 remaster was announced at the PlayStation Showcase
Stay explores what it’s like to be a regular schmo in the world of The Last of Us
TAG Heuer x Super Mario proves gaming x fashion collabs aren’t going anywhere
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a very pretty return to a bygone era
It’s the fifth anniversary of the release of Uncharted 4, and while the developers are reminiscing over on Naughty…
Sony is developing a movie adaptation of last year’s terribly decent Ghost of Tsushima, Deadline reports. John Wick…
Some developers at Naughty Dog continue to ask themselves a question that has haunted the studio for years: Is it…