Japanese idol group AKB48 hold meet-and-greet events in which its young idols shake hands with their rabid fans.…

Sometimes the Skyrim mods are so beautiful it's almost painful. Take on My Little Pony mod, video copious amounts…

We've seen more than our fair share of covers of Skyrim's bombastic theme music over the past six months. Now it's…

As Kotaku's own Kirk Hamilton pointed out last week, one of the most amazing things in Square Enix's DS hit, The…
Artist Bill Kiley, who we last saw putting Robocop in charge of a bunch of kittens, was recently up to his elbows in…

Kotaku's own stationary troubadour Kirk Hamilton has already shown you how some movies can be improved/ruined by…

This is singer Kaela Kimura. She's from Tokyo. The dialects throughout Japan are different—something Kotaku has…

It's springtime. And when you say "spring" in Japan, images of cherry blossoms and picnics leap to mind.

Some people may think this Skyrim music video is "epic". Others will think it looks like something you'd see as an…

There's a common complaint with a lot of nerd rappers, and it's one I for the most part agree with: that weak…

Canadian figure skater Kevin Reynolds competed at the Four Continents Championships in Colorado early last month.…

Last week I posted Chris DePrisco's fiber laser rendition of Jonathan Coulton's "Still Alive", the ending theme…

The Idea Channel poses this question, and boy is it an interesting one. Watch the above video and decide for…

The Final Fantasy series has been renowned for excellent soundtracks since back in the 8-bit era. So it's really no…

Some people have questioned the outreach strategy of hip-hop upstart Kadillak Kaz, who spent an hour or so last week…

Hopefully they, and we, look something like this.

Her name is Nao. And today, she rules the internet—and our hearts.

Teaming up with French band Sna-Fu Grand Desordre Orchestre, artist Pierre Manry has made a clip for the group's…