Kotaku to Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime on Tuesday: You guys did make a joke about Star Fox in the…
Nintendo might never have given us Mother 3 in English, but at least they've got JOKES. Here's a small part of the…
Forget Miley Cyrus—before the pop star's inane VMA performance made national headlines and got "twerking" added to…
Alas, it's just a Mother-themed mock-up created by a poster named Mazza on the Nintendo Blast forums (via Tiny…
Mother 2, or Earthbound, is finally coming to the West once more courtesy of the Wii U's Virtual Console. Mother 3,…
The people who translated Mother 3 to English say that if Nintendo ever wants to bring the quirky RPG to U.S.…
Over the years, there have been many games released in Japan only. Of these, a small number have gone on to become…
Just like cats, man's best friend is a returning character in every genre. We've selected those video game dogs—from…
The line of games that started with Super Mario Bros and extends to this week's New Super Mario Bros. 2 have an…
See this photo? It's a lovely display from the Mother series, captured by Kotaku friend Matt Hawkins at the Nintendo…
Today seems like the perfect day to reminisce about Earthbound, a Japanese role-playing game that is best described…
They may not be chart-toppers - indeed, the third game has never even been officially released in the West - but the …
Shigesato Itoi, who's perhaps best known in Japan as a copy writer and TV personality, already said that there will…
On March 11, the Tohoko earthquake and tsunami left the northeastern part of Japan in ruins.
And it's not just any only $400 Mario sweater, but an officially licensed $400 sweater sold to you via the guy who…
It's July. July in Japan means one thing: unbearable heat. It's not exactly the weather for your typical full body…
What to do when your Japanese role-playing games take months, years or forever to get an English translation? Rip…
The hard-working kids at Starmen got in touch to let us know that today - July 27, 2009 - is the 20th birthday of…
If you have $20 lying around, and are a fan of Mother/Earthbound, you should definitely pick up the Mother 3 Handbook
Remember that Mother 3 handbook we told you about? My copy just arrived in the mail. And I'm lost for words.