The makers of Monday Night Combat were taking suggestions for official wallpapers; unsurprisingly, Pitgirl - the…
What is and what isn't a sport is an endless, often pointless argument, typically involving figure skating, stock…
Monday Night Combat. Evokes a sense of battle-as-primetime sport, right? Sure, thanks to a certain football…
Uber Entertainment has plans for three downloadable content expansions for its Xbox Live Arcade title, Monday Night…
Not "patched," remember? Monday Night Combat carries a "Live Update System" that allows it to tune settings without…
Turrets. I can't stop building and upgrading them in Monday Night Combat. Oh, they do a great job mowing down bots…
Sunday we reported that Monday Night Combat passed certification twice when Uber Entertainment found some things not…
As just mentioned in TWiG, Monday Night Combat arrives on Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday. This developer's diary…
Insiders noted that Monday Night Combat had yet to send out review codes, giving rise to bad-news theories about the…
This video gives us a 15-minute taste of upcoming strategy third-person shooter Monday Night Combat with bonus…
Continuing the tour of class warfare in Monday Night Combat, Uber Entertainment today introduced us to the…
If by team player, you mean giving orders in jargon no one understands or follows. Not a loner by any stretch, Mond…
Microsoft is kicking off its summertime Xbox Live Arcade push with the dark and lovely Limbo, wrapping it up with…
Monday Night Combat, the class-based shooter coming soon from Uber Entertainment, is one of the "Summer of Arcade"…
If you're going to do up a class-based team shooter like a televised sporting event, you gotta bring the shaving…
Whenever Monday Night Combat hits, I'm either going for the meathead powered-armor heavy or the wiseass sniper. I…
I've already written about one of my two favorite new games at PAX East. This is the other one.
To dislike Monday Night Combat would be to disagree with a woman dressed as bacon. This representative of…
Monday Night Combat kind of looks like a first-person shooter version of Heroes of Newerth or League of Legends to…
Uber Entertainment's gunning for a macho future where class-based FPS death is televised live, with sponsorships.…