Sony Online Entertainment announced EverQuest Next back in 2010, and then ran silent for three years. Now it's time…
Look at all of those graphics. That's at least seven or eight graphics right there. After a day spent staring at a…
Look at that trailer. That's the bold future of the world's most popular free-to-play MMO. A future I look forward…
I once said the first MMO that allowed me to play as a pink fuzzy thing with a raccoon tail would win. WildStar…
In the Issue #7 update for Funcom's paranormal MMO The Secret World, the player gets to wear a tuxedo and…
It's been 12 years and change since Jagex first unleashed the ridiculously popular free-to-play MMO Runescape on the…
Continuing its mad quest to deliver fresh content at a rate faster than any other MMO on the planet, free-to-play…
ArenaNet is live-streaming a run through a new dungeon coming in tomorrow's Guild Wars 2 Sky Pirates of Tyria update. Head over to Twitch to check it out.
Trion Worlds' PC fantasy MMO Rift is now officially and fully free-to-play. Lovely day for it, what with nothing else going on and all. You can poke at it here.
Sony Online Entertainment is bringing both PlanetSide 2 and the already-on-PS3 DC Universe Online to the PlayStation 4 later this year. That's two downloadable free-to-play MMOs right out of the starting gate.
The world of Guild Wars 2 has survived another (the first, technically) year, despite the looming threat of dragons…
What, you think just because SyFy and Trion Worlds' cross-media project Defiance is set in the future it's immune…
Diablo-like super hero MMO Marvel Heroes is having launch troubles. Namely, the game not being ready to launch yet.
In the war between MMO developers and shady players looking to exploit the system, the innocent often get caught in…
Final Fantasy XIV was released in September of 2010, and it wasn't very good. On August 27, nearly three years…
Carbine Studios has already won me over with the Ratchet and Clank-style promotional videos and animated movie feel…
Now that they've got regular content updates in the bag, ArenaNet hopes to bring more players to its subscription-free MMO Guild Wars 2 by lowering the cost of entry to $49.99 for the regular edition and $69.99 for the digital deluxe. Hooray, $10 off.
Doctor Doom's schemes figure big into Gazillion Entertainment's Diablo-esque Marvel Heroes. It makes sense — he's…
I've been skeptical about the extent that SyFy's Defiance television show would be interacting with Trion Worlds' Def…
In case you just hopped on the MMO bandwagon with the release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, it's not a massively…