While my favorite Kinect game of the show was most certainly Dance Central, the game that had me jumping up and…
Alan Wake promises to deliver a new style of storytelling to the Xbox 360: A "psychological thriller", "riveting…
Midway's classic arcade speedboat racer Hydro Thunder is getting a full-fledged sequel with Hydro Thunder Hurricane,…
Attention readers, read this review of Match Defense: Toy Soldiers in conjunction with our review of Toy Soldiers…
You play a game on Facebook. I'll play one on Xbox 360. Our winnings will contribute to the same side of a virtual…
Earlier today, a news release accompanying the Halo: Reach opening cinematic said the multiplayer beta would begin…
These two minutes come from the opening cinematic of Halo: Reach, establishing the story of Noble Team, assigned to…
Turn 10 ups its driving game with Forza Motorsport 3, the self-proclaimed "definitive" racer of this generation, a…
Four new Crackdown screens from Microsoft show you what to expect in Pacific City, still in the throes of a crime…
For those wondering if Microsoft's Project Natal motion control automatically means they're working on Natal-enabled…
Yesterday we got dropped that image of a Bungie forums search menu, which tipped something called "Halo: Reach."…
Age of Empires 2, Fable: The Lost Chapters and Mech Warrior 4 are on the way to the game portal GameTap, following…
Halo has been safely nesting in the loving hands of Bungie for more than seven years. And it's excelled as a…
Let's get this out of the way now. Yes, Lips is a shameless rip-off of Sony's massively-successful SingStar…
Gears of War hit a lot of high notes when it was released in November 2006, but despite all of the high scores and…
Ryan Payton, former assistant producer on Metal Gear Solid 4, has signed on with Microsoft Game Studios to work on…
According to job listings dug up by Gamasutra, Microsoft Game Studios has a new internal development studio — or at…
Microsoft Game Studios and McFarlane Toys plan on continuing their very lucrative partnership this spring with the…
Bungie may be unveiling a new map for Halo 3 at Penny Arcade Expo later this week, but don't forget that's not the…
Microsoft Game Studio's head Shane Kim is getting bumped up to corporate vice president of Strategy and Business…