Look at his scowl! His angry, slack-mouthed little scowl! So, so damn cute. Pic's above, while there's a clip of the…
Ever since the beta for Littlebigplanet hit, we've seen numerous level designs, some good, some not so good. From…
If anyone has the November edition of Electronic Games Monthly — big rumor is that LittleBigPlanet will be soon…
While the PSP has been out for quite awhile now, developers are just beginning to scratch the surface of the…
Alternate history alert: seems LittleBigPlanet devs Media Molecule were, at one stage before starting on LBP,…
Over the past, oh, week or so, Sony have been handing out keys to the LittleBigPlanet beta. They've been limited,…
Click to view Whatever portion of brain matter we had left reserved to be blown by Media Molecule's LittleBigPlanet…
LittleBigPlanet's a game, yeah. Shaping up as a great one, too. But it's so much more than that. According to Media…
On it's surface LittleBigPlanet is a very unique game, a highly-stylized title packed with evocative smiley-faced…
We didn't get into the LittleBigPlanet beta. Bummer. Tell you someone who did, though: VG247. And they've dutifully…
One of the coolest features about LittleBigPlanet is the ability to jump online with three friends and just make…
Sackboy's a cute creation! Nay, adorable. But come on, LittleBigPlanet's not even out yet, Sony! You don't want to…
Students at the prestigious Parsons The New School For Design in New York will be taking part in a LittleBigPlanet…
Despite, we're sure, an internal misgiving or two, LittleBigPlanet is going to form the cornerstone of Sony's…
Click to view Dated? Maybe a bit, but the frantic Sackboy air-humping in this attempt at viral marketing for LittleBi…
While playing LittleBigPlanet may be old hat to some of us, you, the commoner, may be getting your hands on a…
Reckon you could knock up an awesome level for Little Big Planet? If you are right, you might just end up with a…
That LittleBigPlanet box art we posted the other day? Everything we said there still applies to this one. Except, it…
It seems like we've been talking about LittleBigPlanet for ages now. Same seems true for Home. Both look like…