Alternate history alert: seems LittleBigPlanet devs Media Molecule were, at one stage before starting on LBP, working on a game very similar to Portal. Indeed, it was so similar to Portal it was "more Portally than Portal". While pitching the game, they met with the guys who published Media Molecule founder Mark Healey's Rag Doll Kung Fu on the PC: Valve. Valve brought up the idea of MM and the PC gaming overlords doing something together with the project, but nothing ever came of it. Imagine, though, if it had. We'd have Portal, but no LittleBigPlanet. Or...we'd have both, but with Sackboys tearing open the fabric of time and space, while PS3 owners built platform games made of...cake. The mind boggles. LittleBigPlanet: The Very Big Interview [Kikizo]
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