This review was originally published on Kotaku on January 26, 2010. To celebrate Mass Effect week, we're bumping it…

The Mass Effect series is a true space opera full of interstellar battles, irreversible decisions, sprawling…

Some PC players of Call of Duty: Black Ops II report that disc 2 of their recently-purchased game is the wrong…
Prop builder Zander Brandt specialises in turning video game guns into real-world playthings. Wonderful playthings.…
We keep hearing rumors here and there about a Mass Effect movie in the works. As much as I love the franchise, I'm…

You may recall that a while back, we held a vote to help the London Philharmonic determine which music they'd…
Did you play Mass Effect as Jane Shepard? Or John Shepard? Whichever Commander Shepard helmed the Normandy, there's…

Remember when this is what Mass Effect sounded like?
I haven't played Mass Effect 3 yet. As a big fan of the franchise, I've been meaning to. But I had a very important…
Q&A, an Australian current affairs program, ran an episode over the weekend about Easter. A big part of the show is…
When all is said and done, I'd say that Mass Effect 2 wound up being my favorite of the three Mass Effect games. It…

We know that some really cool music from the first Mass Effect is hidden in the background of Mass Effect 3.
As seen on my Xbox Live friends' list, Saturday night. So much for game sequels that make their predecessors…
Do video games spend too much time emphasizing the violent aspects of religion? A study released by the University…
Mods can make Skyrim look better. They can make Grand Theft Auto look better. They can make, well, just about any PC…
Since we ran a feature on Duncan Harris, the groovy "video game photographer" behind the website DeadEndThrills,…
As a principal artist at BioWare, and before that EA, Rodrigue Pralier has built (and dressed) some pretty badass…
Man, what the heck is this guy on about? He is clearly just trolling for pageviews. I mean come on Kotaku, no one…
I, like so many other video game enthusiasts, am something of a Mass Effect fan. I love the stories, I love the…

Here's a treat for Mass Effect fans. If you've played Mass Effect 2, you'll know that at some point, you run into…