As a principal artist at BioWare, and before that EA, Rodrigue Pralier has built (and dressed) some pretty badass game characters over the years, up to and including a certain Commander Shepard.
Working on the Mass Effect series Pralier has helped build some cool models and costumes, including Shepard in some Mass Effect 2 DLC and both good and bad guys in Mass Effect 3 (not to mention some guns as well). He's also worked on series like Army of Two, Medal of Honor and SSX, and among the in-game 3D stuff you'll also see a few examples of 2D concept art as well.
You can see some examples of his work above, including some never-before-seen stuff from the upcoming Mass Effect 3. Though, be warned, depending on how sensitive you are about this stuff some of the characters and settings could be considered slight spoilers.
Check out more of Rodrigue's work at his personal site and blog.
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