Here's a new trailer for Mario Kart 7, a different one than what was shown at the 3DS conference last night.…
Some dude named Mike S. decided to take a video showing how a traffic-free Seattle commute looked. And added some M…
We learned the name of the new Mario Kart today. And it's...(pause for effect)...Mario Kart 7.
As part of its press release outlining the 3DS' massive price cut, Nintendo also provided more detailed release…
Loads of big games will be at this year's Comic-Con. Nintendo is no exception.
Who'd pass up a chance to own a full set of Yoshi Armor in Super Mario World for a mere 200 SNES points?
Nintendo showed an impressive Wii U tech demo at this year's E3 gaming expo in Los Angeles.
I checked out some of the new features of Mario Kart 3D at the Nintendo booth today. In addition to looking…
If you thought for a second that Nintendo wasn't going to bring Mario Kart to 3DS, than I guess today is your lucky…
Check out the amphibious and aerial footage of Mario Kart 3DS direct from Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference.
In today's installment of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Vlyke615 wonders what strange gaming habits we've developed…
They might be at odds in the live-action Thor movie and its accompanying video games, but there is one thing Norse…
Mario and Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto is in Paris at the moment on a 3DS press tour, and in between pressing the…
I’d like to think that I made a reasonable request of the man behind Mario Kart.
Game designer Eitan Glinert (Slam Bolt Scrappers) told me over dinner last week that he's really good at Mario Kart…
There's a new contender in the battle for real world Mario Kart action, Rémi Gaillard. Master video makers Freddie…
This line of Yoshis are just a fraction of the population of Nintendo toys and figures at Toy Fair 2011. These guys…
As promised, Mario Kart loving prankster Rémi Gaillard takes to the streets of France with kart, Mario costume and…
Not a game, but it is a sequel to "Rémi Kart," the hilarious viral vid by Rémi Gaillaird, the famous French…