Army, Navy, Air Force, I haven't played with or against a service academy in years in NCAA Football. This year, the…
The good-news/bad-news tradeoff is that Madden NFL 13 is getting a ton of significant fixes and capabilities with a…
EA Sports plans to include real-life NFL referees in Madden NFL 14, according to two different sources close to the…
One of my favorite moments of last night's football debacle was this tweet by the folks at EA:
The question was put forth this past week, in a podcast where I was a panelist: Are sports video games in a golden…
Our resident sports gaming expert, Owen Good, recently e-mailed me with some concerns about the way we review sports…
Brian wanted to go to Boise State. I remember that much. Eight years ago, captivated by NCAA Football 2004, I asked…
President Obama may not be in Madden NFL 13's Super Bowl celebration ceremony but that doesn't mean the POTUS can't…
A server-side update has returned the fantasy-draft option to Madden NFL under its new Connected Careers mode, but…
The official Twitter feed for Madden NFL 13 just announced that fantasy drafts—a mainstay feature of the game's…
The basic pass routes in American football are, off the top of my head, the post, the slant, the square-out, the…
Through the first week of play in real life of the NFL, some 81.5 million games have been played in Madden NFL,…
No one I know seriously plays "Mascot Mashup" in NCAA Football, except for maybe the six-year-old son of a good…
The NFL is kicking off (checks watch) oh, about nowish. Time for a new season of wins and losses, touchdowns and…
Ten days ago, Marcus Thomas decided he'd had enough of being identified by some other Marcus Thomas' mugshot in Madde…
I knew what was coming after I lost to Green Bay, 24-17, in Week 11 of my first season in Madden NFL 13. It was the…
When it was first shown to writers in April, I knew what was in store for Madden's "Infinity Engine" of real-time…
One feature of the new "Infinity Engine" physics system introduced in Madden NFL 13 is the fact that the game…
In a stunning upset over Madden NFL 13, Michael Fahey of the Atlanta Kotaku attempts to carry a football analogy too…
Pictured above is Marcus Thomas, defensive tackle for the New York Giants and a 76-overall player in Madden 13.