In the latest installment of the toco toco TV, the beautiful and melancholy documentary series about Japanese game…
Guess that's why it's new! Konami is bringing the utterly charming Little King's Story role-playing game to the PS…
Today in Tokyo, Konami held a press conference, detailing some of the games it plans to bring to the Tokyo Game Show.
Earlier this year, Tokyo-based Grasshopper Manufacture snagged Akira Yamaoka of Silent Hill fame from Konami. This…
Marvelous Entertainment has published titles like Harvest Moon, No More Heroes and Little King's Story. It has seen…
Yasuhiro Wada, honcho of Japanese company Marvelous, will be leaving his post as Director of Digital Contents on…
Founded in 1999 and best known for mystery game Hotel Dusk, Cing filed for bankruptcy on March 1.
We're not just debating the best video game of 2009 this week. We've got other awards to dole out. Today, I declare…
With a new Super Mario Bros. title to tide fans over, and plenty of third-party software, this year's Wii offering…
After being crowned by transsexual fashion model Ayanna Tsubaki, 24-year-old Ken Suyama stuffs his face with Burger…
At last, a Japanese role-playing game on Wii that can spark thoughts of Pikmin and Psychonauts. But it's also the…
There comes a time in the week to reflect on what got into my reporter's notebook but didn't turn into Kotaku blog…
Here's a lovely batch of screens from Little King's Story for the Nintendo Wii, which could be the prettiest…
Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada says "the games industry worldwide is in danger if we keep making sequels," just…
Marvelous Entertainment USA and XSEED games are teaming up for E3, showing off their line up of upcoming titles…
Marvellous' upcoming Little King's Story for the Wii looks brilliant. A delightful fairy-tale aesthetic, gameplay…
We've heard Xseed is publishing Marvelous' Little King's Story on the Wii this Winter (you can stop calling it…
We just found out that Marvelous Entertainment's Wii-exclusive"Project O" has a real name, if you haven't heard: Lit…
Marvellous just rang our doorbell, dropped off a press release that's got my day started off on the right foot.…