Akira Yamaoka, famous for his musical and directorial contributions to Silent Hill, recently ended his longtime employment at Konami. That publisher's loss is quirky developer Grasshopper Manufacture's gain, as Yamaoka has signed on with Goichi Suda's studio, according to Famitsu.
According to 1UP's account of Famitsu's interview with Suda and Yamaoka, the musician will be put to work on the horror game Grasshopper is developing for Electronic Arts, the one headed by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami. (Mikami also has another game in the works, Vanquish for Platinum Games/Sega.)
Yamaoka also indicates that, while his current tasks involve helping Grasshopper on the musical side, he would like to use all of his game production talents at some point. We'd also like that, thank you very much.