If you've ever wondered how much crap it takes to fill a game development studio, wonder no more, as LittleBigPlanet…
Despite flogging the PS3 as a high definition system, Sony has long been content to ship the device with composite…
Europe has been on the receiving end of great PSP Go game bundles since the device launched in October of last…
The result of leaving a Macbook Air on Media Molecule artist Rex Crowle's desk. As seen on Media Molecule's blog.
PlayStation 3 do-it-yourself platformer LittleBigPlanet is getting a sequel, a fact confirmed by the latest issue of …
YouTube user GoldenJellyBean dropped me a line to show that she's now teaching folks how to crochet their own…
Electronic musician Christopher Leary (aka Ochre) has taken to Twitter today, pleased as punch to officially…
Sackboy and Sackgirl wedding-cake toppers. Made by the artist Japanda, submitted by Kotaku reader Johnny Z.
Confirming last night's Walmart ad, Sony has announced ten new titles joining the PlayStation 3's budget-priced…
I've left the iPad tag off this story for a reason.
If you grew up in the 1980s or before, chances are puppets delighted and frightened you. Later generations have…
According to this scan from a new Walmart catalogue, Sony has just added some big-hitting new games to its line-up…
It may not be the timeliest of additions to the LittleBigPlanet virtual closet, but Sackboys and Sackgirls will get…
Remember those Sonic the Hedgehog costumes for LittleBigPlanet that we told you about last November? They're coming…
Sony liked LittleBigPlanet so much they bought the company, as Media Molecule becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of…
Are you ready to take the digital download-only plunge? If so, Sony will reward new PSPgo owners with one of two…
Sony & Level 5's White Knight Chronicles, for the PS3, is a very serious affair. Lots of world-saving, and giant…
Snowboy? Sackman? As seen on PlayStation.Blog. Thanks Jonathan S.
Media Molecule has whittled through more than 1.5 million LittleBigPlanet levels to select 10 nominees for the 2009 …