The Hong Kong and European versions of the PlayStation Store now offer one more way to empty one's virtual Wallet,…

Media Molecule has announced final details of its downloadable Pirates of the Caribbean level pack for PlayStation 3…
Yesterday, a trophy tip-off presaged today's announcement of Borderlands' second DLC package. Well, there's another…
When Spike TV's telegenic hosts hand out awards at this year's VGAs show next week, this, the Vector Monkey as…
Here's an Italian Renaissance assassin so adorable you'd pay him to kill you just to see him up close.
LittleBigPlanet is getting a LittleBigUpdate on Monday, adding new save game functionality, improved connectivity,…

Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" video features Wii nunchuck controllers, but we prefer a "Bad Romance" video with a…
Looks like Sony got whatever snafu was holding up the digital copy of LittleBigPlanet sorted. As we mentioned earlie…
As part of a recent re-launch of the game's community portal, Media Molecule - the developers behind LittleBigPlanet…
After a brief delay, the PlayStation Network release of the PlayStation Portable version of LittleBigPlanet will…
Video game developers can be the new astronauts, a beacon that inspires schoolchildren to love learning science and…
The White House is announcing today a program to improve science and math education with a variety of Entertainment…
Sonic the Hedgehog fans looking for something 2D and side-scrolling to tide them over until Sega's "Project…
Media Molecule leaves little doubt it has no plans for any kind of a sequel to LittleBigPlanet, with a designer…
Media Molecule's creative PS3 platformer LittleBigPlanet is one year old as of last week, so the developer is doing…
At the risk of repeating themselves, Media Molecule is bringing back the free pumpkin head costume piece to…
Weird. One of these pieces of news that would seem to be out by now, but PlayStation.Blog posted yesterday that Nov.…

Not much more to add, really. This Thursday, there will be official Watchmen Sackboys made available for…
Apparently thanks to a cross-promo with a Sony Pictures "Family Zone" promo site, U.S. PlayStation Network account…
This video comes from Sony's Tokyo Game Show presentation during which motion control support was revealed for LBP…