It's easy to crank out a next-day t-shirt for a major Super Bowl happening, but assembling bricks in the form of the …
Back in November I told you we were dangerously close to getting an official LEGO set based on the adventures of…
Batman has a Lego video game. So do Lord of the Rings and Star Wars and Indiana Jones and a million other series.…
It's one thing to build a model of the U.S.S. Enterprise from Star Trek with LEGO bricks. It's another to build it…
It's going to take 2,996 Lego bricks to make this miniature version of the headquarters of the Marvel Universe's…
There might already be a million LEGO games, but they're not going anywhere, as evidenced by the several new…
ZaziNombies' castle looks incredible on its own, but he created it by only using blocks that fit into Minecraft's…
Christian Bechinie's LEGO Rube Goldberg machine uses dominoes, tiny basketballs and some slides to do that same…
The first LEGO Minecraft sets were micro-scale cubes comprised of hundreds of tiny tiles that were a pain to piece…
As I recall assembling those simple (but awesome) LEGO Castle sets as a kid with nothing else but grey blocks and…
Here's proof that you don't necessarily need thousands of dollars to build something unique with LEGO. Although you…
The iconic "Pillar of Autumn" from Halo, now in LEGO form. And it's damn huge—not exactly minifigure-scale, needing…
Builder Savath_Bunny shared superb-looking Pokémon center on LEGO Ideas and filled it with the main characters,…
As seen in Lego Star Wars 2, strictly for Stormtroopers with their helmets on. Darthpapercut's "Imperial Hot Tub"…
David Hall makes custom LEGO minifigs. To get around copyright, he can't call these amazing figures "Destiny" or…
The holidays are upon us, and and nothing says "Happy Holidays" like the smiles on the faces of loved ones when…
You have to be really talented to build tiny LEGO mecha that fit right into ordinary dioramas and, as a result,…
As soon as the excitement over yesterday's teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens died down, LEGO animator S…
Alvin Lim's LEGO project features classic cartoon characters from the 80s, but this time it's not the Ninja…
A German ad for the next wave of LEGO Minifigures — and by extension the next set of playable characters for LEGO…