A new Zelda at launch is nice, but I’m much more excited about the idea of going online with my Nintendo Switch and…
Over the decades, Japanese developers have churned out a mind-boggling number of video games. Some are good, and…
Suikoden II should have probably had a New Game Plus. Between the time-sensitive Clive quest, the branching endings,…
Oh, and the protagonist sporting it, too.
Last year, as you might recall, Konami and their son Hideo Kojima got into a spat. Konami barred Kojima from…
During the Tokyo Game Show, Hideo Kojima was asked about Metal Gear Survive. He wasn’t rude per se, but honest.…
Welcome to the next generation, FIFA. What took you so long?
Konami sure is trying. Gotta give them that. But if YouTube likes are any indication, loads of people aren’t feeling …
Konami is making a new Metal Gear. It’s called Metal Gear Survive and has zombies in it. This weekend at the Tokyo…
What is going on here. The PC versions of multiplatform games are supposed to look better, not worse.
Last year was a totally bizarre year at Konami. One of the oddest moments was when game creator Akira Sakuma tweeted…
One of Metal Gear Solid V’s most important plot points, Mission 51, ended up on the cutting room floor. Today,…
On October 11, Konami is re-releasing MGSV Ground Zeroes along with The Phantom Pain and both games’ DLC.
Konami isn’t going to let the loss of Hideo Kojima stop them from using the Metal Gear license, announcing today an…
It’s been ten years. Platinum Games was founded on August 1, 2006. Since then, the Osaka-based game company has…
Fine Art is normally in the business of covering current video game artists, but today we’re going to wind back the…
It’s a shame they’re in this and not, you know, a video game.
While in his twenties, artist Shiro Kotobuki was in a traffic accident, leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. He…