The man demonstrating Kinect Star Wars live on stage at Microsoft's 2011 E3 press conference seems to be in danger…
The man demonstrating Kinect Star Wars live on stage at Microsoft's 2011 E3 press conference seems to be in danger…
Harmonix took the stage during Microsoft's 2011 E3 press conference today to lift the curtain on Dance Central 2,…
Microsoft has shown us Kinect Fun Labs, describing it as "the place to check out the best innovations for Kinect."…
During Microsoft's 2011 E3 press conference this morning, BioWare's Dr. Ray Muzyka demonstrated how Microsoft's…
We showed you Kinect Star Wars last night. And today we've seen it played on stage.
This fall, says Microsoft, indie favorite Minecraft will be coming to Xbox, complete with Kinect motion controls.
Do you like gladiators? Do you want to fight through the fall of Rome? Ryse may be your game. The Kinect-controlled…
Going live on the Xbox 360's Kinect hub later this morning, Kinect Fun Labs is a series of gadgets that deliver…
Today isn't just Monday, it's the day that gaming's biggest show, the E3 gaming expo, kicks off in Los Angeles.
This week, the E3 gaming expo gets underway in Los Angeles. Gaming's heavyweights are showing off new hardware and…
Looks like Commander Shepard may be taking Microsoft's motion controller into battle in Mass Effect 3. How do we…
What does Microsoft have planned for its E3 2011 showing? Probably plenty of Kinect-centric fare and heretofore…
Being a successful professional wrestler takes more than having the right moves in the ring, and no one knows that…
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier's box art seems to think so, or at least the version uploaded to (and then removed from)…
Entertainment & Devices is the division of Microsoft that makes the cool shit. Xbox, Zune, Windows Phone. Courier.…
Can you believe the hype you hear from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo at each year's big E3 circus of video games?…
Microsoft may be running shorter on genuine new surprises for this year's E3 expo, as Australia's ratings…
Kinect's patent application said the device could recognize American Sign Language. Microsoft then backed off the…
Looks like Microsoft is turning game show Hole in the Wall, the Western take on Japan's Nōkabe (aka Brain Wall or…