The iconic lighthouse that players encounter in BioShock’s opening moments stands like a beacon, ushering lost souls


BioShock director Ken Levine is working on an “interactive live-action film based on Twilight Zone,” writes Wired. Levine’s partnered with media company Interlude for the project, whose technology will “allow viewers to determine what the characters do” in the film.

"It's chess meets Hamlet. Okay, maybe not Hamlet. But it's a start." Ken Levine, of BioShock and System Shock 2 fame, wrote an interesting review of Shadow of Mordor this week in which he praises its novel ability to tell stories that players "build for themselves simply by playing the game." Read it over at Matter. Read more

Who would've guessed that this is what the Little Sisters in BioShock started out as? Eurogamer just published a thorough report on the origins of the seminal first person shooter that's worth a close read.
