Gina Carano, since ousted from Star Wars land, will star in My Son Hunter
The video game satire site Hard Drive just wanted credit, but Musk wanted to make it difficult
New York's Governor Hochul also noted social media’s role in the shooting
Congress censures Rep. Paul Gosar for posting vid of Biden and AOC being assassinated
Twitter flagged the anti-immigration anime reel as hateful but didn't delete it
The game’s handling of harsh political realities is as well-meaning as it is toothless
As charted by this wonderful new Twitter account, Ryu definitely gets around
An independent journalist named Kacey Montagu has spent the last few months integrating herself within the White…
President Biden is getting ready to sign an executive order, one that will review the United States’ ability to get…
Over the weekend President Joe Biden made his first visit to Presidental retreat Camp David and to relax he played…
It’s no giant Joe Biden hologram, but Fortnite has gotten a Biden/Harris-themed Creative island days before the US…
Joe Biden’s presidential campaign built a propaganda island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s really lovely…
Former Pete Buttigieg campaign advisor Lis Smith cited “Travis Scott’s takeover of Fortnite” as a strategy for…
One of the most successful and well-known energy drink brands on the market right now is Bang, which comes in a huge…
The New York Times published a sprawling interview with Vice President Joe Biden today in which the 2020…
As part of an initiative to address gun violence in America after the Newtown school shootings, the Vice President…
On Friday, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden met at the White House with video game industry leaders and researchers to…
What did the Vice President of the United States and the leaders of the video game industry talk about today at the…
"Censoring violent comic books did not reduce juvenile delinquency or increase literacy," reasons the International…
The head of the Entertainment Software Association, Michael Gallagher, will be meeting with vice president Joe Biden…