The Italian retail site 16Games has listed a PS3 HD collection for the Hitman series. The Hitman Triple Pack will…
Hello. Have you heard of the Hitman video games? You may have seen a trailer in which a well-dressed man murders…

Last week, my friend and colleague Matt Cabral wrote up an excellent preview of Hitman: Absolution for Kotaku. I was…
A new Hitman game will begin development next year in Montreal, according to the game's publisher, Square-Enix…
The most interesting thing about Hitman Absolution isn't its new disguises or ways of killing people with a bit of…
Hitman Absolution was one of many of the games I saw at E3 that impressed me not only with its new take on an old…
Evidently circulated before IO Interactive settled on Hitman: Absolution for the title of the latest sequel, a…

The latest game in the Hitman series, Absolution, is taking the series in a slightly different direction than…
Kotaku has confirmed the findings of a Reddit user who deciphered the hidden meaning behind the barcode appearing…

Betrayed by the only people he trusts and hunted by the police, the beautifully bald and barcoded Agent 47…
Just so you know, IO Interactive was doin' aug- alternate-reality games before doing alternate-reality games was…
An alternate-reality game run for Hitman enthusiasts by the developing studio's community manager has evidently come…
The holiday hits keep coming. IO Interactive, the Danish studio behind Hitman and Kane & Lynch, let go about 30…
David Bateson, the voice of 47 in the Hitman series, says he's been asked to remove details on his website regarding…
Partners in crime, Kane and Lynch, meet in Shanghai for one more score. An arms deal goes—how else?—horribly wrong,…

Don't worry, I highly doubt the murderous psychopath Lynch was directing the question towards you in the latest…
As we reported earlier, the Kane & Lynch 2 demo is already available for PlayStation Plus subscribers, with the rest…
The first Kane & Lynch was much like its antihero protagonists - someone whose potential was washed out by…
The bold new art direction for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days spills over onto the cover of the game, sporting a nifty…