"Hi, I'm Phil Fish and I'm here to talk about Japanese games." Referencing the controversy over his recent remarks,…
Back in 2011, innovative platformer Shadow Physics seemed poised to reap loads of love from the video game…
While members of the video game industry and press are attending the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco…
I know I've been waiting for that for a while, anyway. This video was sent in from the recent Global Game Jam, an…
How can a game made over the course of a weekend remind me of Rez and Crayon Physics Deluxe? By sending me soaring…
Just as its sister site ModDB picks the top PC gaming mods of the year, IndieDB rounds out the year with a…
When we last saw the upcoming game from Jonathan Blow this summer, The Witness already…
You've gotta love a game that makes a sly reference to 2010 indie darling Limbo. But, further perusal shows that Pi…
Video games have a language all their own. It's a language that most people understand implicitly—concepts like…
The Independent Games Festival has announced a multi-year partnership with Microsoft Games Studios. The partnership…
It's taken a long time for Fez to get finished. It's taken a long time for Indie Game: The Movie to get finished,…
There's a new crop of small-developer PC releases to be had on the cheap over at Indie Royale. It's a quintet of…
With Skyrim and Minecraft both out on this Friday, [Editor's note: As folks have said in comments, Minecraft's out…
Lots of games have downloadable content. In fact, DLC is becoming something of a point of contention between…
When I first loaded up Michael P. Consoli's Against the Wall I felt the early onset of panic. In front of me,…
Streaming site Vimeo makes space for lots of different kinds of content. They've made a name for themselves as a…
No matter how many previews, gut check and reviews you load up with, buying any game comes down to taking a risk…
More than 100 independent developers gather together more than 300 games they deemed not "big" or "polished" or…
Every year, at about this time, the indie-est of game gatherings takes over sunny Culver City, California.…
From a bowling game controlled by kissing to a four-year-old's Ponycorn epic, every one of IndieCade 2011's 36…