In THQ's Homefront the United States of 2027 faces an invasion by North Korea. For the Japanese release North Korea…
The North Korean invasion of the U.S. has been delayed by seven days. THQ and Kaos Studios' Homefront will come to…
Interested in playing upcoming "America Invaded!" shooter Homefront on the PC? Here are its specs.
This is John Milius. Writer, director and NRA member, Milius is bringing his vision to video gaming next month with…
All downloadable content for the America-under-siege title Homefront will come to the Xbox 360 first, similar to…
All downloadable content for upcoming shooter Homefront will be a timed exclusive for, you guessed it, the Xbox 360.
THQ executive Danny Bilson's tweet on Tuesday about a visit to the developer of Homefront, crunching to deliver the…
The North Korean bad guys in the upcoming video game Homefront were originally going to be Chinese, but the people…
Not due out until March on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, Homefront can be seen here playing on the world's largest 3D…
The occupied-America shooter Homefront will require THQ's Online Pass - a one use code that comes free in retail…
First-person shooter is a fabricated account of what would happen if North Korean leader Kim Jung-il died and his…
If war flares again on the Korean peninsula as it threatened to today, there will be far more dire things to worry…
THQ's Homefront, the game that might anger some Americans, will come to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on March 8, 2011 in…
I have little animosity for the virtual people I shoot in video games. They are cardboard targets. The worst they…
THQ's grim view of the future, in which North Korea somehow has the wherewithal to invade the United States, is…
I get on my belly and inched forward. Looking through my scope, I could see several Greater Korean Republic troops…
You won't find any opposing forces in this multiplayer trailer for THQ's Homefront. Just North Koreans in snazzy…
Man, this brings back memories from when I lived in Seoul, South Korea as a kid.
At E3, Homefront was offhandedly mentioned to me as inspired by Resistance, just without the aliens, naturally. As…
In a heavy-hitter's roundtable with an industry advertising blog, the man in charge of marketing Homefront doubts…