The Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo's 3D-glasses-free portable, isn't out yet. Nintendo has only said it will be out before…
Metal Gear Solid 4 is an epic game. But it's missing something. Rather, somethings. Those somethings are PlayStation…
Hideo Kojima, creator of Metal Gear Solid and drinker of virgin blood.
Last month, Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima revealed that for his next game, he is deciding between an…
The man responsible for inflicting Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid on the world is going to the San Diego Comic-Con…
And not *just* Japanese developers, but some of the biggest names in the business.
A popular theme of late is how Japan has lost its edge. The country isn't where it should be. But, says one game…
With Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker finished and released, those hoping that MGS creator would now begin work on…
Hideo Kojima, best known for making Metal Gear Solid games, is in France for the Japan Expo. He is posing with…
Hideo Kojiima made Metal Gear Solid 4. There was speculation that the game creator would move onto other projects.…

From the eye patch to his name itself, Metal Gear's "Snake" has a lot in common with that other Snake: Snake…
Hideo Kojima was at E3 this week to show off his team's latest project, Metal Gear Solid: Rising, but a report from…
This has been shown a couple of times now at E3, at Microsoft's press conference as well as Konami's. Now it's your…
During Microsoft's E3 press conference, Metal Gear Creator Hideo Kojima introduced a trailer for Metal Gear Solid:…
Today at the UNIQLO store in New York Metal Gear fans lined up with their best cardboard boxes to meet the man…
Let's list the Metal Gear Solid games in which voice actor David Hayter has voiced Snake. Let's!
The creator of Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima, is joining forces with Square Enix, the company behind Dragon Quest and…
Originally, PSP title Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was going to be named Metal Gear Solid 5. But it's not. That…
The Metal Gear Solid movie isn't happening. Solid Snake voice actor and Hollywood screenwriter David Hayter dishes…