Racist jokes comparing the former Japanese Prime Minister's killer to the Metal Gear Solid creator started the…
Like its Kojima Productions predecessor Death Stranding, 2D Witch Strandings can’t get enough of packages
A Homelander-lite would be so fun in the Death Stranding director’s hands
Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima plays both sides in the never-ending console war
The creator behind Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding is excited to tell you more about his next game, one day,…
Starfield and Redfall may have slipped to 2023, but Microsoft still has a lot cooking
Hideo Kojima's next game is reportedly Overdose starring Death Stranding actress Margaret Qualley
Apparently, Blue Box Game Studios founder Hasan Kahraman spends more time playing Rainbow Six Siege than working on…
Fans are getting Breath of the Wild vibes from Sega’s open-world Sonic game
Amid Twitter fails, flight attendant allegations, and falling Tesla stock, this build is worse than we thought
Memes are 'the DNA of the soul,' and PlatinumGames’ Metal Gear spin-off is littered with them
We might be in for more of Hideo Kojima's babies, floating dead people, and, most importantly, more packages
Sorry, Kojima, but your aesthetics were getting in the way of going fast
Developer Blue Box Game Studios said it 'underestimated' the development roadmap for the still unseen game
From Horizon Forbidden West to Sifu and beyond, 2022 should be a solid year for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5…
"Konami does not guarantee that the value of the NFT will increase after the purchase."
Now that this god-forsaken year is coming to an end, here are some games I kinda liked
I’m used to being confused by Kojima’s games but this is something else
"I want to be an astronaut," the Metal Gear creator recently said
The publisher explains it's to ensure it's an 'unforgettable adventure'