In addition to more than 20 minutes worth of Rush, the next Guitar Hero will feature these 22 newly revealed songs,…
Guitar Hero players get down to business at the Brazilian leg of the World Cyber Games this weekend, via Flickr.
It's one thing when a writer or sales analyst tells you music game sales are down. It's another, all the more…
I've seen Vuvzela Hero jokes for a while. Yes, the World Cup's most annoying musical instrument could be merged…
In an interview with Swedish news site DN, Queen guitarist Brian May seems to have let slip news of a Guitar Hero…
Eminem tweeted he'd appear in Activision's event at E3, and yesterday I joked "I don't think he's appearing on…
Activision is bringing its multi-billion dollar Guitar Hero series to the iPhone and iPod touch. Today. Activision…
Nobody looks good playing Project Natal. Nobody.
Here, courtesy of music magazine Kerrang, is our first real look at footage from the upcoming Guitar Hero 6.
Harmonix, the studio behind both the original Guitar Hero and Rock Band, could be working on something a little…
Guitar Hero is changing course with Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, a music game with some unexpected additions,…
Street Fighter IV? Great game. Guitar? Cool instrument. The sound of SFIV being played with a guitar?
Perhaps sensing that a string of lawsuits wasn't terribly good for business, it appears publishers Activision will…
Music games built around a single artist can be a tricky thing to plan for, because while you'll attract fans of…
Civilization creator Sid Meier was our guest for Kotaku Talk Radio this week. You can listen to the full episode now…
Guitar Hero publisher Activision may be scaling back its plans for the music game in 2010, but it may have at least…
Things are looking good for rock band No Doubt. Less so for game publisher Activision.
Jack White of The White Stripes has advice for aspiring musicians. He does not recommend music games.
Already feeling bogged down by April Fool's Day fluff? Why not settle in with a meaty feature on how Guitar Hero…
KISS frontman Gene Simmons confirming Guitar Hero 6 is about as newsworthy as Simmons confirming tomorrow will be…