The $10 worth of new content that went on sale digitally for Gears of War 3 this week is mostly already included on…
We already know that Gears of War 3 is a damn good game. It came with an exhaustive amount of multiplayer and…
After some difficulties getting out of the gate, the newest DLC for Epic's hit Xbox 360 exclusive is out in the…
The Horde Command Pack release for Gears of War 3 scheduled to hit today is temporarily delayed due to unspecified…
In a wide-ranging interview at Develop, company president Mike Capps reveals that the makers of Gears of War have…
For $15 on December 13, you'll be able to add three hours to Gears of War 3's storyline campaign by downloading a…
The next Xbox hasn't been announced. There have been hints and rumors, but nothing official. Regardless, it is…
Animation team Kooberz Studios figured, you know, all LEGO ever cover is kid's franchises. There's never anything…
Gather up people. It's week four of our Gears of War 3 talks at the Kotaku Game Club. In our final discussion, we're…
Remember to come join the Kotaku Game Club for our discussion of Gears of War 3's Horde and Beast modes tomorrow at…
All this time, I'd thought that there'd nothing more satisfying than the close-up carnage of the Gears of War…
There's an established, if corny description of the art of Gears of War: "destroyed beauty". I don't like typing it,…
I hope you're ready, ladies and gents. It's Versus mode week here at the Kotaku Game Club. Today we'll be sharing…
Artist Gobeur has a neat calling card: she takes video games, sometimes gritty, sometimes less gritty, and makes…
On November 1, you can buy $10 more of Gears of War 3 in the form of the Horde Command Pack.
Now that Gears of War 3 is out and reviewed, it's time to talk about future Gears games. Because, why not? Those…
Reader billdcon spied Resistance 3 and Gears of War 3 hot-bunking a PS3 kiosk at his local Walmart. "Not pictured,…
Gears of War 3 was the second most popular game on Xbox Live on the week it launched, topping Call of Duty: Modern…
To get the hardest achievement on the Xbox 360, Marcus Fenix had to do more than just kill a few Locust. He had to…
With console-quality graphics, witty dialog, and surprisingly satisfying cover-based shooting controls, Madfinger's …