The last gaming convention of 2009 has run its course. The cosplayers have packed their bags, content to allow…
This Labor Day weekend two giant shows took over Seattle: One dedicated to music, the other to video games. But…
The latest issue of On Screen, the internal magazine published by Konami, gives us a look at a year's worth of games…
Not only did Crytek have a life-sized version of their Nanosuit 2 on display at Gamescom, they were also handing out…
Sit back, enjoy and see if you can spot the damage modeling.
While the full story of PS3-exclusive Heavy Rain will ship on the disc, developer Quantic Dream is toying with the…
Gamescom was a massive event, both in scale and attendance with a quarter of a million people packing 1.3 million…
Played for a bit at last week's Gamescom, I found my short time with Diablo III's Witch Doctor initially…
August was packed to the gills with conventions. And conventions mean cosplay. But who had the best in August?
When Sega of America opted for a January 2010 release date for Bayonetta—which hits Japan end-of-October—we thought…
Sony had a handful of its new minis available for the PSPgo available at Gamescom this week, including the platform…
Resonance of Fate is role-playing game developer tri-Ace's first game for Sega, its first not to be published by…
James Cameron's Avatar: The Game is getting noticeably different treatment on the Wii, courtesy of publisher and…
Part-transforming marble, part Pokemon card game, Bakugan has taken the world's children by storm over the past…
R.U.S.E., Ubisoft's upcoming real-time strategy title, is a satisfying combination of trickery and tactics, though…
Uncharted's Nathan Drake never really struck me as the type to sneak around when he's got a gun handy, but his…
Ubisoft had a newly playable copy of Red Steel 2 at Gamescom, its cowboy-samurai western now full of ninja and…
You've seen the best of what Gamescom's varied halls had to offer, now see the rest—the PC gaming focused Hall 9,…
Sick of looking at these same Final Fantasy Versus XIII screen shots? Yeah. Me too. Well, the good news is that…
Quantic Dream's Guillaume de Fondaumièr offered us our third official look at the developer's PlayStation 3 game…