First Sega pulls out of Europe's biggest video gaming convention, now Capcom has joined them, deciding against having a public presence at this year's Gamescom show in Germany.
A statement from Capcom Europe lays the blame for the decision largely at the feet of Germany's classification board, the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (or, more boringly, the USK). The company had intended to show only two games at the show - Dead Rising 2 and Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes - but because the first Dead Rising was banned in Germany and the fate of the sequel is still up in the air, Capcom has decided to pass on displaying any games on the showroom floor, figuring it wasn't worth the effort to just show Sengoku Basara.
But what about Okamiden or Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 or Marvel vs Capcom 3, you ask? Capcom say all other titles were too far out to be worth showing at a public event.
There'll still be private press coverage of a range of Capcom games, but Gamescom isn't like E3; it's a massive public event, and a lack of showroom presence will come as a big disappointment to the company's European fans, particularly given the fact Capcom is showcasing a lot more than two games to the public right now at Comic-Con in the US.
[Capcom] [image: getty]