Ever wanted to explore the world of Game of Thrones? Ever wanted to explore the world of Game of Thrones... in Minecr…
It's the fake intro and menu system for a C64 adaptation of Game of Thrones that lures you into this clip, but…
This is truly unreal.
By now of course you've seen College Humor's 16-bit re-creation of Game of Thrones season 1.
Last week, I wrote about the 72 Pins collection of amazing custom NES art, done in a classic style and affixed to…
Cyril Tahmassebi is a French concept artist and visual designer who has worked on games like Darkworks, I'm Alive,…
Like Cheers, Family Guy and, uh, Battlestar Galactica, Game of Thrones is so wildly popular that the idea of a…
As summer heats up, so do the political attack ads. But it's not only the Presidential campaign that is seeing it…
Greetings, Kotaku, and welcome to the Tuesday open thread.
It's a question whose answer I leave you with as I sign off for the night.
The major controversies, disappointments and outrages of the preceding week all seemed to share one trait: They…
A couple of weeks ago, Chris made some gifs of the best ultraviolence from Game of Thrones' "Blackwater" episode.
Oh hi there, Kotaku. Welcome to the Wednesday night open thread!
Has anyone seen Daenerys' dragons? Anyone?
Microsoft demonstrated their new Smart Glass tech today at E3. And sure, it's cool that you can watch a video on…
You know it, I know it; the American people know it. Sunday's Game of Thrones, which centered entirely around King's…
It's a predictable tragedy, but a tragedy nonetheless: both of the recently-released Game of Thrones video games suck
Like five kings fighting over the Iron Throne, games hoping to represent the true Game of Thrones experience keep…
Game of Thrones' Tyrion Lannister may be a small man, but he's got a big heart, huge ambition, and is surprisingly…