Don’t worry, it’s only Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015. Or maybe worry. Up to you. Mind the video filled with…
Red Goddess: Inner World is one of those games that shows up on PSN or Steam and you just don’t know. You just…
Before the tactical espionage begins, the catheter must be removed.
If you’ve every played through a blast barrel level in a Donkey Kong Country game and thought “Man, I wish there…
A blood-soaked dungeon, the whimpers of terrified children, a mysterious horned beast and a man speaking in an…
As an isometric fantasy action role-playing game, Victor Vran does a lot of the same things Diablo does. It also…
I won’t lie, I initially only downloaded Feist from Steam because of how much it reminded me of Limbo, but it’s a…
The latest installment of the Onechanbara series arrives in North America today, giving U.S. PlayStation 4 owners…
Every now and then Game Freak likes to come out of its Nintendo-centric shell and prove it’s capable of create games…
After waiting to log in for the better part of an hour I finally got five minutes with free-to-play voxel building…
Let’s celebrate San Diego Comic-Con with a property that embodies all aspects of media—comic books, television,…
DC Comics Legends allows players to form a team of the bravest heroes and boldest villains DC has to offer and then…
The opening moments of Skobbejak Games’ first-person horror game Vapour are alot like being seated next to a chatty…
In the first five minutes of Zachtronics’ Infinifactory you’re abducted, scanned, fitted with a red jumpsuit, nearly…
Can you believe it’s already been a decade and a half since the release of Blizzard’s second installment of Diablo?…
You wanted a game that’s just about Sonic the Hedgehog running and jumping? Here you go—pure Sonic for a whole five…
Or LEGO Jurassic World if you’d rather use the boring official title. Just don’t expect an invite to Motoraptor…
It’s been five days since the Shenmue III Kickstarter campaign was announced and it’s already approaching the $3.5…
In 1959 a group of hikers in Russia’s Ural Mountains were mysteriously killed by what authorities could only…