At Vanafest 2010 in Tokyo, Hiromichi Tanaka, the lead developer of Final Fantasy XI, announced that game will get…
There have been rumors swirling on the Japanese internet that Square Enix's MMORPG Final Fantasy XI will be ending…
Now available at the North American Square Enix store, these adorable Tarutaru Play Arts figures represent the best…
While there's no word on when you can play the second of three new Final Fantasy XI scenarios. A Moogle Kupo d'Etat…
Square Enix of America is being sued for allegedly deceiving 100,000 customers for "unfair business practices, false…
Just in time for MMO Final Fantasy XI's security token comes three expansion scenarios. The first, A Crystalline…
The newly-announced Square Enix Security Token will keep dirty hacker hands off your hard-earned gil via the magic…
An individual in Japan with no connection to Square Enix or Final Fantasy XI (he's never played it supposedly!) was…
From the folks who brought you the 18 hour boss fight, comes this: mass bannings! Square Enix has nixed a large…
At VanaFest, a Final Fantasy XI event in Japan, Square Enix announced three new expansion chapters coming to Final…
Back in August, we brought word of how tough beating Final Fantasy XI boss Pandemonium Warden was. Guild…
With an established MMO full of powered-up highlevel characters, it must be tricky to attract new players. Word of…
After one of the world's best Final Fantasy XI guilds had to throw in the towel after a marathon 18 hour plus battle…
Square-Enix just opened up pre-orders for their Final Fantasy XI Players' Collection accessories. The first among…
There's one boss that stands above all others in Final Fantasy XI. Pandemonium Warden. Never seen it myself (never…
Canceling your subscription to Final Fantasy XI isn't easy. Illinois resident Alex Edwards found this out after…