The rumor, it seems, was wrong! Today, Square Enix head Yoichi Wada confirmed that he just came out of a Final…
It's been six years since Square Enix first showed Final Fantasy Versus XIII's debut trailer. Six long years. When…
See, yesterday there was this trailer. A leaked trailer. And not just any leaked trailer… it was a leaked trailer…
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is a game that exists. But for players, it exists only in screenshots and trailers. And…
Turnover at game companies is high. But Japanese game developers who work on big titles for big companies tend to…
Where the hell is Final Fantasy Versus XIII? Who knows. Oddly, a song from the unreleased game is launching as…
Square Enix has been making Final Fantasy Versus XIII for a long, long time. Gamers aren't playing the game yet;…
You might not know how to Chun-Li. You might not know how to Final Fantasy or SoulCalibur. Chinese photographer…
This summer, six years will have passed since Final Fantasy Versus XIII was first shown in trailer form. Talk about…
Back in 2009, Square Enix showed a Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer. In it, FF Versus XIII hero Noctis Lucis Caelum…
A Final Fantasy Versus XIII job wanted ad lists PS3 package title experience as necessary, "or otherwise an Xbox 360…
In early August, I asked where the hell Final Fantasy Versus XIII was. This could change, but it's apparently not at…
Final Fantasy Versus XIII was first unveiled at the E3 gaming expo in 2006. It's now 2011, and the game is not out.
Twitter is a great way to bring the world together, open up lines of communication. It's also a great way for…
Cosplay, the art of dressing up like somebody else, is normally happy just looking like the character. Canadian…
The most recent issue of Japanese magazine V-Jump features an article on upcoming role-playing game Final Fantasy…
Final Fantasy games are just that, fantasy. You know, guys with amazing hair swinging big swords around in mystical…
Well, not yet at least. Screened today in Tokyo, the trailers popped up online and are making the rounds via…
For a video game to truly exist, it needs players. Otherwise, it simply stands still. Role-playing game Final…
At the 2008 gaming expo in Los Angeles, Square Enix dropped a bombshell: Final Fantasy XIII, previously believed to…