Fight Night Champion will offer players the story of fictitious boxer Andre Bishop, whose career arc will involve…
Growing up, I only saw boxing on HBO. With Mike Tyson the premier fighter, it was usually over fast. Anything that…
Yesterday, EA Sports confirmed that Fight Night Champion will be its first M-rated sports game ever. The sweet…
The first Tuesday in March typically belongs to the baseball simulations - if not then, then the second. (Release…
Not yet officially rated by the ESRB, promotional copy on the game's official page bills EA Sports' next boxer as…
EA Sports is giving its boxing sim series Fight Night one more round in the ring, officially naming Fight Night…
A four year-old boy in the United Kingdom was chuffed to bits when his dad bought him an Xbox 360 game. He wasn't…
Fight Night Round 4's next DLC delivers four fighters, rivalry matchups, and "old-school rules," which I assume…
Three new fighters will be offered in the latest round of downloadable content to be offered for Fight Night Round 4,…
EA Sports is expanding the roster of Fight Night Round 4—and its coffers—by offering a new quintet of boxers as…
Let's start the week with a million-dollar-idea, courtesy of Kotaku, offered for free.
Not content to weigh in merely on marquee sporting events like the Super Bowl and Stanley Cup championships, EA…
EA Sports' newest trailer for the now-gen boxing game plays up the Ali versus Tyson match up, touting "actual…