Fred Baggs was making a level in Far Cry 5’s map editor, putting the finishing touches on a project that he says…
Far Cry 3 Classic Edition came out yesterday for people who bought Far Cry 5’s season pass and it’s turned out to be…
Far Cry 5's first DLC, Hours of Darkness, arrives June 5 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. You play as Wendell Redler back during the Vietnam War, tasked with saving his fellow squadmates. The two others, Lost On Mars and Dead Living Zombies, are set to release in July and August respectively.
Someone went ahead and recreated the island from the TV show Lost using Far Cry 5's map editor. It’s not completely to scale, but user PSFREAK33 did their best to add every memorable location from the show, from the DHARMA Initiative stations to Sun’s garden. The map’s currently only available on PS4.
Today on Highlight Reel we have Far Cry terror, racing moments, Titanfall 2 shots, and much more!
I hated fighting Faith Seed, the highest-ranking woman in Far Cry 5’s fictional cult. She was confusing, annoying,…
Far Cry 5 has been out for just over a month now, and while there still hasn’t been any word on when its story-based…
Far Cry 5 gets its next patch tomorrow when the game goes down for maintenance at 9:00pm EDT. Title Update 5 fixes a number of bugs, including several we’ve written about including the never-ending credits loop and Mary May not spawning in the truck. It also mentions re-balancing some of the weapons.
Far Cry 5 has been out for a month. Its big open world based in a fictional Montana has been picked clean by…
Far Cry 5's latest patch released this week on consoles. Although it addressed a number of minor issues with online…
Drive around long enough in Far Cry 5 and you might stumble into an area where strange static comes out of your…
The more I play Far Cry 5, the less interesting and challenging it becomes. That’s a common problem for a Far Cry gam…
Today on Highlight Reel we have rocket rides, Far Cry 5 glitches, flying Zelda monsters, and much more!
Compared with its most recent predecessors, Far Cry 5 makes some big changes to how you upgrade your character.…
I don’t think I’ll ever be caught up on all the games I want to play, so these days I’m looking for moments when I…
Today on Highlight Reel we have tons of glitches, devil summoning, fantastic sniper shots, and much more!
Mere days after Far Cry 5 came out, it already had its first player-made battle royale maps in Arcade mode. A week…
Okay, okay, it’s time to talk about how Far Cry 5 ends.
Far Cry 5’s first piece of post-launch content went live yesterday. It’s called “Well Done” and it’s about setting…
Fun fact: it takes 58:41 to get from the NE of Far Cry 5's map to the SW, walking the entire way. We know this…